海擇短評 Haize Comment:
Google在Google Hotel ADs中,在既有的付費廣告位之外,也開放了免費廣告位,這是否意味著OTA將能免於幫Google打工的命運?目前看起來投資市場似乎還滿認同的。
Googleは、「Google Hotel ADs」において、既存の有料広告スペースに加え、無料広告スペースも開放している。これは、OTAがGoogleのアルバイトから自由になることを意味するのたろうか。投資市場はまだこれを認めているようだ。
We hold conservative views. Since access to paid advertising and free advertising cost users differently (one-step gap), the final question is whether OTAs are willing to buy paid advertising space from Google in order to reduce the inconvenience of consumers. At present, it seems that this is a bit similar to "prisoner’s dilemma". They may need to do a lot of tests before the OTAs have the courage to break convention , and the final decision may also be adapted to local conditions, which will not be simple and uniform across the world.
文章鏈接 Hyperlink:https://www.phocuswire.com/google-eliminates-fees-for-hotel-booking-links
資料來源 Resource:PhocusWire
標籤 Label: Google OTA metasearch Hotel Advertising