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Japan's Booming Tourism Industry Rapidly Boosts Accommodation Supply


海擇短評 Haize Comment


根據相關數據,由於日本國內旅遊和入境旅遊的強勁表現,2023年日本的旅遊和住宿業法人(企業機構)數量已迅速增加。2023年新成立的住宿業法人(新設法人)為1,040家,比上年增長47%。這是四年來首次突破1,000家,處於歷史第三高;歷史第一、第二高分別發生在2019年(1,144家)、2018年(1,056家)。以行政區來看,東京都的新設法人數量最多,為296 家,其次是大阪(116家)、北海道(55家)、長野(52家)與沖繩(49家),研究樣本覆蓋全日本約400萬家企業。



According to recent reports by Tokyo Shoko Research and Teikoku Databank, Japan's rapidly growing tourism industry has led to a swift rise in the accommodation sector. In 2023, the number of new accommodation businesses surged, and capital expenditure for accommodation is expected to be the highest in the industry in 2024, with the largest single project investments. A new bubble is rapidly forming, and there is no end in sight yet.

According to relevant data, driven by strong domestic and inbound tourism, the number of tourism and accommodation businesses in Japan rapidly increased in 2023. The number of new accommodation businesses (new corporations) reached 1,040, a 47% increase from the previous year. This is the first time in four years it has exceeded 1,000, ranking third highest in history, following 1,144 in 2019 and 1,056 in 2018. By administrative region, Tokyo had the most new corporations at 296, followed by Osaka (116), Hokkaido (55), Nagano (52), and Okinawa (49). The study covered about 4 million companies across Japan.

In 2024, among 27,052 surveyed companies in Japan with investment capabilities, the number planning capital investments dropped for the first time in four years to 58.7%, due to high costs and labor shortages. Notably, 82.4% of these companies chose to invest in "hotels and inns," the highest across all sectors and the only one exceeding 80%, 24% higher than the average for all sectors. Additionally, the average planned investment in "hotels and inns" was ¥190 million, 53% higher than the overall average of ¥130 million. This shows that in the current inflation-affected economy, the accommodation industry is seen as a top priority. 

標籤 Label Japan  Tourism  Accommodation  Hotel  Investment 

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