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2024 Korea's outbound travel reached 93.4% of 2019 level in H1


海擇短評 Haize Comment


1. 今年上半年,韓國出境人數為1,402萬人,與2019年上半年相比,復甦達93.4%。

2. 有超過百萬人次韓國人出遊的目的地有兩處,首先是日本,共有444萬人次訪日,較去年同期成長42%,較2019年上半年成長15%,佔出境旅客總數的31.7%;其次是越南,共有228萬人次訪越。若加總訪日與訪越的韓國旅客人次,佔所有出境旅客的47.9%,約莫接近一半。

3. 韓國人出境的第三大目的地是泰國,訪泰人次約為93萬人。本次排名前三的目的地(日本、越南和泰國),遊客數量都較2019年上半年增加。

4. 韓國人出行第四到第六目的地,雖然人次不如2019年同期,但規模都超過50萬,分別為美國、菲律賓與台灣,人次數為84萬、79萬與52萬。

5. 新冠疫情發生以來,中國未公告入境旅客人次,但從上市公司HanaTour(KRX: 039130)和Mode Tour(KOSDAQ: 080160)財報中出境客戶地區佔比,可了解韓國訪中的旅客數正在快速增加,目前僅次於東南亞與日本。


Before the pandemic, South Korea was already a major outbound travel nation in East Asia, and this has become even more pronounced with the slow recovery of outbound tourism in China and Japan. Haize Capital has compiled and analyzed data from the Korea Tourism Development Bureau and various national tourism boards to provide a breakdown of South Korean outbound travel numbers and destinations for the first half of 2024, which could be useful for the local travel agency industry and travel investors:

1. In the first half of this year, the number of South Koreans traveling abroad was 14.02 million, reaching 93.4% of the pre-pandemic levels of the first half of 2019.

2. There were two destinations with over a million South Korean visitors: Japan, with 4.44 million visits, a 42% increase from the same period last year and a 15% increase from the first half of 2019, accounting for 31.7% of all outbound travelers; followed by Vietnam, with 2.28 million visits. Together, visits to Japan and Vietnam accounted for 47.9% of all outbound travelers, nearly half.

3. Thailand is the third most popular destination for South Koreans, with approximately 930,000 visitors. The top three destinations (Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand) all saw an increase in Korean visitor numbers compared to the first half of 2019.

4. The fourth to sixth most popular destinations for South Koreans, although not reaching the levels of the same period in 2019, each exceeded 500,000 visitors. These were the United States, the Philippines, and Taiwan, with 840,000, 790,000, and 520,000 visitors respectively. 

5. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, China has not announced the number of incoming tourists, but data from public companies like HanaTour (KRX: 039130) and Mode Tour (KOSDAQ: 080160) on the proportion of outbound clients by region indicate that the number of South Korean visitors to China is rapidly increasing, currently only trailing Southeast Asia and Japan.

標籤 Label South Korea  Outbound  Travel  HanaTour  Mode Tour

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