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How to "Move" Japanese Consumers?


海擇短評 Haize Comment



在旅遊業整體表現方面,H.I.S.在各個領域的調查都排名第一,JALPAK(日本航空旗下的旅行社子公司)、Club Tourism(クラブツーリズム, 近畿日本旅遊集團旗下的旅行社)、日本旅行、一休.com與阪急交通社,則都在各領域排名第二或第三。而在旅遊業的細分領域OTA部分,各個領域排名第一的都是一休.com,樂天旅遊在客戶滿意度領域與一休.com並列第一,Jalan則在多項評比中取得第二名。

在QR二維碼支付的部分,樂天支付(楽天ペイ)在客戶滿意與推薦意願兩個領域取得第一名,au PAY則在感動指標取得第一名。而d Pay(d払い)與PayPay,則在各領域的評比分別都處於第二與第三。而電子貨幣領域就沒有一家公司全領域獨強的現象,QUICPay、WAON、nanaco、樂天Edy、iD這五家日本電子貨幣各擅勝場。

海擇資本認為,儘管該調查不評比運營數據,但"消費者滿意度"基本反映了日本消費者的情感意向。舉例來說,多項機構研究數據都顯示,PayPay在日本的QR碼支付市場中取得了超過70%的市佔率,用户覆蓋超過6,000萬,遠超競品樂天支付與au PAY,但日本消費者仍然對純日系集團旗下的支付工具更滿意、更願意推薦給朋友,比如樂天集團(樂天支付)、NTT(d Pay)、KDDI(au PAY)旗下的支付工具。再比如OTA領域的評比中,進入決選能被評比的公司,也僅只有一休.com、Jalan(じゃらんnet)、Yahoo旅遊(Yahoo!トラベル)、樂天旅遊(楽天トラベル)、 Rurubu Travel(るるぶトラベル)五家,連在東京建立7X24客服中心的攜程(NASDAQ: TCOM)都沒有進入決選,可以說哭倒在路上,更別說Booking(NASDAQ: BKNG)、Expedia(NASDAQ: EXPE)與Airbnb(NASDAQ: ABNB)。我們認為這與民族性與對純日系公司的信任感有關,也難怪行業人士一般都認定進入日本消費市場並不容易,似乎不與當地的龍頭企業合作,就很難讓當地的消費者"感動"--附帶一提,日本生產力中心在本調查甚至將"感動"還區分為四個級別:依序為驚訝、高興、享受、興奮(びっくりした、うれしい、楽しい、興奮した)。  


Haize Capital Insights of the Day

How to "Move" Japanese Consumers?

Recently, the "Service Industry Productivity Council" under the Japan Productivity Center released the latest results of the 2024 JCSI (Japan Customer Satisfaction Index) survey. This survey covers eight different business sectors, including travel, QR code payments, and electronic money. Although the report does not include detailed operational data such as monthly active users, total coverage, or transaction volumes, it offers valuable insights for companies, particularly foreign businesses, looking to attract or retain customers through superior service.

In the travel sector, H.I.S. ranked first across all categories, with companies like JALPAK (a subsidiary of Japan Airlines), Club Tourism (part of Kinki Nippon Tourist Group), Nippon Travel Agency, Ikkyu.com, and Hankyu Travel International securing second or third places in various categories. In the OTA (Online Travel Agency) segment, Ikkyu.com topped the rankings across most categories, with Rakuten Travel tying for first in customer satisfaction, and Jalan securing second place in several metrics.

In the QR code payment segment, Rakuten Pay ranked first in both customer satisfaction and recommendation, while au PAY led in the "emotional impact" category. d Pay and PayPay came in second and third across various categories. As for the electronic money segment, no single company dominated across all areas. Instead, companies like QUICPay, WAON, nanaco, Rakuten Edy, and iD each performed well in specific metrics.

Haize Capital notes that while the survey does not focus on operational data, "consumer satisfaction" generally reflects Japanese consumers' emotional inclinations. For instance, despite studies showing that **PayPay** holds more than 70% of the QR code payment market in Japan, with over 60 million users, Japanese consumers still express higher satisfaction with and willingness to recommend payment tools from native Japanese companies, such as Rakuten Group (Rakuten Pay), NTT (d Pay), and KDDI (au PAY). Similarly, in the OTA sector, only five companies—Ikkyu.com, Jalan (Jalan.net), Yahoo Travel, Rakuten Travel, and Rurubu Travel—were ranked in the final evaluations. Even though Trip.com (NASDAQ: TCOM) has established a 24/7 customer service center in Tokyo, it didn’t make the final cut. Neither did Booking.com (NASDAQ: BKNG), Expedia (NASDAQ: EXPE), nor Airbnb (NASDAQ: ABNB), which some might find surprising. This seems to underscore the importance of trust and loyalty to domestic companies among Japanese consumers. Industry insiders generally agree that penetrating the Japanese consumer market is challenging. Without partnerships with leading local companies, it's hard to "move" local consumers emotionally—it's worth mentioning that in this survey, the Japan Productivity Center even categorized "emotional impact" into four levels: surprise, happiness, enjoyment, and excitement (びっくりした、うれしい、楽しい、興奮した).

標籤 Label JCSI QRCodePayments H.I.S JALPAK ClubTourism RakutenTravelOTA JALAN  OTA

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