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Where Will Uber and Meituan Face Off in a Dream Rivalry?


海擇短評 Haize Comment


美團(HK: 3690)與Uber(NYSE: UBER)與是當今全球科技與服務領域中規模相當、影響深遠的兩家互聯網公司。雖然它們分別來自美國和中國,但其產品型態、收入規模到市值量級,都足以媲美彼此。如果兩者產生市場競爭,從商戰角度,將其視為中美新型代理人戰爭的一部分,或許也不算誇張。這場夢幻對決會出現嗎?如果出現,又將以什麼型態,在哪個地域出現?


根據Uber的投資者報告,其潛在市場產值(Total Addressable Market, TAM)約為12兆至16兆美元,該產值反映了以網約車(Ride-hailing)為主(全球潛在市場約5兆至10兆美元)三項事業(另有配送與貨運)的全球市場。而根據美團在IPO時所估算,中國生活服務行業在2023年的潛在市場產值超過4.5兆美元(33兆人民幣),其中線上產值超過1.1兆美金(8兆人民幣);當時預估線上總產值50%來自於食品消費,30%來自酒旅服務。










具體來說,Uber在2009年由Travis Kalanick和Garrett Camp在美國加州三藩市創立後,於2011年首次進行國際化,進入美國以外的市場,第一個國際市場選擇巴黎(法國),迄今美國以外收入約占總收入的60%。與美國旅遊公司的國際化相比,Uber的國際化步伐更快,比如與Airbnb相比,Airbnb有75%的收入來自美加澳法英5大核心客源市場,說來有趣,除法國外,恰恰是地緣政治上的五眼聯盟地域;而Uber除了這五大市場,在拉美也很有影響力,在巴西的人口滲透率接近20%,在墨西哥則超過10%。











Uber本身雖然在中東影響力不大,但Uber在2019年以31億美金收購的Careem,則是當地的強大玩家。Careem與Uber很像,都從網約車應用,成為集用車、送餐(Careem NOW)、支付(Careem Pay)、配送於一身的超級APP。迄2023年,共覆蓋中東、北非和南亞3個地區、14個國家共100多個城市。2022年收入超過3.5億美元;截至2023年,用戶總數(非為活躍概念)超過4,800萬。

確實如同王興所說,中東不是空白市場與綠地市場(We understand that it's not an empty market, it's not a greenfield market)。美團已在沙特挑戰了Careem,未來還可能在中東其他城市正式壓迫Uber。



Haize Capital Insights of the Day

Where Will Uber and Meituan Face Off in a Dream Rivalry?

Meituan (HK: 3690) and Uber (NYSE: UBER) are two prominent internet giants in the global technology and service sectors. Despite their origins in China and the U.S., respectively, their product lines, revenue scales, and market capitalizations make them formidable competitors. If these two companies were to compete, it might be seen as a proxy war between China and the U.S. Where could such a clash occur? In what form and in which regions?

The Most Likely Collision: Local Services

According to Uber’s investor reports, its total addressable market (TAM) is estimated at $12–16 trillion globally, with ride-hailing ($5–10 trillion) as its primary business segment, alongside delivery and freight. On the other hand, Meituan’s IPO estimates suggest that China’s local services sector had a TAM of over $4.5 trillion (33 trillion RMB) in 2023, with the online segment accounting for $1.1 trillion (8 trillion RMB). Around 50% of this online market came from food consumption, while 30% came from hospitality and travel services.

Both Uber and Meituan have developed super-app ecosystems. However, their core differences lie in focus: Uber prioritizes ride-hailing, extending its ecosystem along three lines—frequency, pricing, and usage scenarios. Meanwhile, its delivery service is expanding into groceries and, more recently, on-site services.

Meituan, which emerged victorious from the “Thousand Group War,” became a $100 billion company by evolving from food delivery to a comprehensive local business ecosystem. This ecosystem spans food delivery, in-store dining, grocery retail, and hotel booking. Meituan’s strength in food extends upstream into supply chains and downstream into supplementary services (e.g., “Meituan Seconds”). Despite these successes, Meituan struggles in ride-hailing, where competitors like Didi and Amap dominate the Chinese market.

If Uber and Meituan clash, it will likely be in food delivery and local services rather than ride-hailing, particularly in international markets.

On-Demand Giants: Core Operational Metrics

As leading global on-demand service companies, both Uber and Meituan demonstrate high-frequency consumer demand and significant profit potential. Comparing their Q3 2024 earnings highlights their strengths:

Uber: Revenue reached $11.2 billion (+20% YoY), with net profit exceeding $2.6 billion.

Meituan: Revenue reached $12.8 billion (936 billion RMB, +22% YoY), with net profit of $1.8 billion (129 billion RMB).

In terms of user engagement:

Uber: 2.87 billion orders in Q3 divided among 160 million monthly active users result in an average of 5.9 uses per user per month.

Meituan: With 7.08 billion orders in Q3 and an estimated 500 million annual active users, its user engagement likely surpasses Uber’s.

Internationalization vs. Urban Penetration

The demand for rapid globalization aligns with investor expectations. Uber and Meituan, however, have chosen divergent strategies:

Uber: Focused on internationalization since 2011, starting in Paris, France, and generating 60% of its revenue outside the U.S. It has achieved strong penetration in Latin America, with Brazil reaching a 20% population penetration rate and Mexico exceeding 10%.

Meituan: Prioritized deepening its domestic presence before exploring international opportunities. Its international debut came in 2024Q3 with the Keeta brand in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Tourism: A Possible Expansion Arena

Tourism is not a primary business for either Uber or Meituan, yet both can naturally integrate it into their ecosystems. For Uber, travel-related services like train tickets, ferry rides, airport transfers, and concierge services are logical extensions. Meituan, however, has historically operated tourism products from a local lifestyle perspective, resembling a budget-conscious version of Ctrip. Starting in 2024, Meituan began integrating food delivery with travel marketing.

First Battle: The Middle East

If Uber and Meituan collide in international markets, the Middle East is the likeliest battleground. Uber’s subsidiary Careem, acquired for $3.1 billion in 2019, is a dominant player in the region, offering ride-hailing, food delivery (Careem NOW), and payment services (Careem Pay). By 2023, Careem had operations in 14 countries across the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia, with revenue exceeding $350 million in 2022.

Meituan’s entry into Saudi Arabia signals its intention to challenge Careem and, indirectly, Uber. While the Middle East is not a greenfield market, its smaller population but higher transaction value per order makes it an intriguing opportunity.

This isn’t just a proxy war—it’s a proxy vs. proxy’s proxy battle. Investors might find this complex competition exciting.

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