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Booking announced 2021Q1 financial statement


海擇短評 Haize Comment


1. 美國市場爭霸戰:美國人口雖然只有中國的1/4,但是美國酒店行業規模大概是中國的兩倍,加諸美國完全接種的人口迅速提升,當前美國市場成為國際OTA的一級戰區。Airbnb的短租收入50%來自美國,Expedia想方設法攻入;Expedia的酒店收入50%來自美國,現在換Booking搶攻,Booking 2021Q1美國區間夜甚至比2019Q1還高,看來美國的酒店市場爭奪還是很有意思的。
2. 機票銷售仍須努力:Booking以間夜數為標準,在2019年產出間夜數前18的國家新增了機票產品,從成效看,Q1機票增速比2019年增加49%。數據看似不錯,但與Booking單季億量級間夜相比,百萬量級的機票銷售數仍屬渺小,如果2022還不能做到倍數式的增長,我們認為未來這條產品線潛力等同雞肋。
3. 後疫情期拉新重頭再來:CFO在電話會議發言結束前扔了一個重點,談到在旅遊市場復甦之際,必須續行投資以獲取住宿市場份額,對利潤率會造成傷害(create opportunities to invest, to gain share in accommodations, which could put pressure on margins)。我們的理解是,疫情期間Booking等旅遊APP估計都被不少消費者從手機刪除了,拉新必須重頭再來,實際上這次也披露了在美國市場給了50美金的coupon。這代表兩個意義,一是旅遊巨頭大概都逃不了重新拉新的命運,二是在疫情間能維持MAU的各電商公司,在後疫情洗牌之際時跨入旅遊業似乎也有機會。


1 、米国市場争奪戦。米国の総人口は中国の4分の1に過ぎないが、米国の宿泊業界の規模は中国の約2倍で、完全接種人数の急増もあいまって、現在の米国市場はグローバルOTAの最も競争の激しい戦場となっている。Airbnbのショートタームレンタル事業の収益は50%が米国からのもので、Expediaはこを狙っている。Expediaはホテル予約事業収益の50%を米国からのものており、今はBookingがこの市場を攻略している。Bookingは、米国市場で2021年Q1のホテル予約泊数が2019 年Q1よりもさらに高くなっている。アメリカの宿泊予約市場はやはり面白い。

2 、「航空券予約」事業にはもっと努力が必要だ。 Bookingは予約泊数を基准にして、2019年の予約泊数トップ18の国で「航空券予約」の新規事業を立ち上げた。効果から見ると、Q1航空券の成長率は2019年に比べて49%増加した。数字は良さそうだが、四半期毎の1億以上の予約泊数に比べて、100万件の航空券予約数はまだ小さく、2022年までに倍数的な増加ができなければ、航空券予約事業のポテンシャルは鶏肋のようなものになると思えている。

3、ポストコロナ時代に新規顧客を呼び戻す。 CFOは電話会議でのスピーチの最後に、旅行市場の回復に際して、宿泊市場のシェアを獲得するために投資を継続しなければならないと強調した。これは、利益率に影響を及ぼす可能性がある(create opportunities to invest, to gain share in accommodations, which could put pressure on margins)。私たちの理解では、新型コロナの間、多くの消費者が携帯電話からBookingなどの旅行アプリを削除したと推定されており、新規の顧客をゼロから育てなければならない。実際、Bookingは今回も米国市場で50ドルのクーポンを提供したことが明らかになった。これには二つの意味がある。一つは、旅行業界の大手企業が新規顧客を開拓する運命から逃れられないことだ。もう一つは、新型コロナの間もMAUを維持してきたeコマース企業が、ポストコロナ時代に再編された旅行業界に参入するチャンスがあるようだということだ。


Booking 이번 계절의 전화회의에서 중시를 돌려야  초점이 적지 않다. 편폭이 제한되여있으니 우리는 단지 세가지만 집중하 논의하 된다.

1. 미국 시장 쟁탈전임: 미국 인구는 중국의 4분의 1 밖에 안 되지만 미국의 호텔 업계 규모는 대략 중국의 두 배 정도게다가 미국에서 백신 접종을 마친 인구가 빠르게 증가하고 있으며 현재 미국 시장은 국제OTA 1 급 전쟁지역이 되었다. Airbnb의 단기 임대 수입중 50%를 미국에서 얻었으며 Expedia는 갖은 방법을 다하여 공격해 들어온다. Expedia 호텔 수입중 50%를 미국에서 올리고 있으며 이제 Booking 바꿔 시장을 선점한다. Booking의 미국 룸나잇(Room Nights) 데이터는 2021년의 일사분기 심지어 2019년의 일사분기보다도 높다. 보아하니 미국의 호텔 시장 쟁탈은 매우 재미있는 것 같다.

2. 항공권 판매에 여전히 노력해야 룸나잇을 기준으로 Booking는 2019년에 룸나잇 전18위 안에 드는 국가들 항공권 제품을 새롭게 추가했다. 그 효과로 보면 올해 일사분기의 항공권 증속이 2019년 동기 비해 49% 늘어났다. 데이터 좋을 듯하지만 Booking 분기 억체급 룸나잇에 비해 백만체급 항공권 판매는 여전히 미미하다. 만약 2022년에 아직 배수의 성장을   못한다면 우리는 미래라는이 제품선의 잠재력이 계륵과 같다고 생각한다.

3. 포스트 코로나 시대에  사용자를 얻기는 다시 시작함: CFO는 전화회의 연설이 끝나기 전에  중점을 두었다관광시장이 회복될  숙박 시장 점유율을  위해 반드시 투자 기회를 창출하고 이것은 이윤률에 압력을 가할지도 모른다(create opportunities to invest, to gain share in accommodations, which could put pressure on margins). 이에 대한 우리의 이해 아래와 같다. Booking 등 여행 앱이 코로나19 발생 시간 적잖은 이용자들에 의해 휴대폰에서 삭제되었으니  사용자를 얻기는 다시 시작해야 한다실제로 이번에도 미국의 시장에서 50달러 쿠폰을 준 것 드러났다. 둘개  의미가 있다. 하나는 관광 거두들이 새로운 사용자를 얻은 운명을 피할길이 없을 것이고 다른 하나 의미 코로나19 발생 시간에 MAU를 유지할 수 있는  전자상거래들이 포스트 코로나 시대 재편될  관광 산업에 들어가는 기회가 있을  같다.  


There are a lot of points worth paying attention to in the Booking conference call this season, here we only discuss 3 points due to limited space:

1. Battle for the US market: Although the US population is only one-fourth that of China, but the US hotel industry size is roughly twice that of China. In addition to the rapid increase in US population that fully vaccinated, the US market has become first-level battleground for international OTAs. 50% of Airbnb’s short-term rental revenue comes from US, and Expedia is trying to seize it; 50% of Expedia’s hotel revenue comes from the United States, and now Booking want to capture. The number of room nights in US of Booking 2021Q1 is even higher than that in 2019Q1. It seems that the competition for the hotel market in US is still very interesting.

2. Air ticket sales needs to work harder: Booking uses room nights as an indicator. They launched air ticket products in the top 18 countries with most room nights in 2019. From the perspective of effectiveness, the air tickets growth rate of Q1 increased by 49% compared with 2019. The figure looks not bad, but compared with Booking’s hundreds of millions of room nights in one single-season, the number of millions of ticket sales is still unremarkable. If multiple growth is not achievable in 2022, we believe that this product line is not really promising.

3. Clients acquisition in the post-pandemic era starts over: The CFO threw a key point before the end of the conference call. When he talked about the recovery of tourism market, he said "create opportunities to invest, to gain share in accommodations, which could put pressure on margins". Our interpretation is that during the pandemic, it is estimated that many travel apps such as Booking were deleted from mobile phones by many consumers, clients acquisition is necessary to start all over again. In fact, this time Booking also disclosed that it offer a coupon of $50 in the US market. This suggests two meanings. One is that travel giants may not be able to evade the fate of restart clients acquisition. The other is that e-commerce companies that can maintain MAU during the pandemic seem to have a chance to enter the tourism industry during the post-pandemic reshuffle.

標籤 Label:Booking  OTA  BKNG  Airbnb  Expedia  accommodation  airline  MAU

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