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IATA chief Willie Walsh says zero-risk approach from government is not possible


海擇短評 Haize Comment

做為IATA的新任主席,Willie Walsh這個愛爾蘭人說話還是比較切中要害的。

他諫言要各國政府不要在航班上要求徹底的零風險(zero-risk approach),我們"解讀"意思就是說:沒有人會反對建立防止疫情擴散的檢驗機制,但如果各國非得自己搞一套不與他國接軌的疫苗護照與認證,要用這種方式完全消除疫情傳播風險是不切實際的,那要不乾脆別飛,各國航空公司各自清算好了。航空業界已經做好了應對的準備,IATA所組織的Common Trust Network已經做到疫苗護照(IATA Travel Pass ),並且得到多家航空公司/OTA的加入與支持,各國何不共同對接IATA就好?

IATA 신임 의장인 아일랜드인 Willie Walsh의 말은 정곡을 찌르고 있다.

 그는 항공편에서 완벽한 제로 리스크 어프로치 (zero-risk approach)를 요구하지 말라고 조언한다. 우리가 판독한 뜻은 다음과 따르다. 아무도 코로나19 확산을 막기 위한 검사체계 구축에 반대하지 않을 것이다. 그러나 여러 나라가 다른 나라와 접속하지 않는 백신 여권과 인증서를 꼭 만들어야 한다면 이런 방식으로 코로나19 발생 위험을 완전히 없애는 것은 비현실적이다. 그렇다면 아예 날지 말고 각국 항공사들이 알아서 정산하면 된다. 항공업계는 만반의 준비를 갖추고 있다. IATA 가 조직한 Common Trust Network은 이미 백신 여권 (IATA Travel Pass)을 사용할 수 있으며, 여러 항공사/OTA의 가입과 지원을 받고 있다. 각국은 모두 IATA를 도킹한다면 이것이 좋지 않은가?


IATA新事務総長として、アイルランド人のWillie Walsh氏の発言は、的確に要点を捉えている。


As the new chairman of IATA, Irishman Willie Walsh's opinion was getting to the exact point.    
He admonished governments not to demand a zero-risk approach on flights. Our interpretation is: No one would object to the establishment of an inspection mechanism to prevent the spread of the pandemic, but if countries have to set up vaccine passports and certifications that are not connect to other countries,It is impractical to completely eliminate the risk of the spread of Coronavirus in this way, or just stop flying, and the airlines of various countries will have their own liquidation.
The aviation industry is ready to deal with it. The Common Trust Network organized by IATA has created IATA Travel Pass, and has received participation and support of many airlines/OTAs. Why don't countries connect with IATA jointly?

文章鏈接 Hyperlinkhttps://www.phocuswire.com/IATA-chief-Willie-Walsh-on-risk-management-environment

資料來源 Resource:Phocuswire

標籤 Label:IATA Travel Pass  airlines  airport  business travel  distribution  environment  health  hygiene  Covid-19 

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